Free Apk ѻLockerPro Lockscreen v4.0

LockerPro Lockscreen v4.0

Android Market App

: 4.0

Android Market App

: A simple lock screen Android device.

« LockerPro Lockscreen Puts App Notifications Right Lock Screen », Lifehacker (December 2012)

« LockerPro nicest Android lock screen replacement I've come across », PhoneDog (December 2012)

« LockerPro Lockscreen great app notifications really elegantly », Redmond Pie (December 2012)

Try lock screen !

LockerPro allows check without unlocking .

LockerPro monitors notifications coming from any app device, them lock screen. easily swipe them away by swiping them left, by swiping right.

When LockerPro provides banner notifications in screen even when running fullscreen apps so don't miss them.

LockerPro also provides a shortcut panel playback control. Simply swipe right to access panel, and left music playback control.

Contact picture, custom ringtone, quick reply, direct callback calls, various clock styles, other

Android Market App

are available.


Free Apk ѻLockerPro Lockscreen v4.0

: (Updated : Jun 5, 2013)

Updated clocks alarm

notification be displayed (also works notifications)

Added waking proximity

Added percentage

Widget panel panels settings set anymore. check them advanced settings.

Bug fixes



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